Sermons 2019

Date Sermon Text Sermon Audio
2019-12-29 Genesis 11:1-9, 26 – The Tower of Babel Brother Enoch Chow Play
Genesis 12:1-9 – Promises to Abram Brother Enoch Chow Play
2019-12-22 Matthew 2:1-12 – Man’s plan for The Christ-child: Adore and Annihilate Play
Matthew 2:13-23 – God’s Plan for the Christ-child: Protect and Prepare Play
2019-12-15 Mysteries of Bethlehem: Herald of the Dawn Rev Al Bezuyen Play
Jonah 4 Angry messenger. Merciful God Brother Ben Verdonk Play
2019-12-08 Ephesians 6:4- Being a Father in Modern Times Play
Belgic Confession 31 – Old leaders in a modern church Play
2019-12-01 Ephesians 6:1-3 – Living as a child in modern times Play
Jonah 3:1-10 Man repents; God relents Brother Ben Verdonk Play
2019-11-24 Ephesians 5:31-33 – Mystery of Marriage Play
Belgic Confession 30 – Does the church need updated government? Play
2019-11-17 Ephesians 5:25-30 – Living as a Husband in modern times! Play
Belgic Confession 29:2- What does a True Christian look like? Play
2019-11-10 Titus 2:11-15 A Goal of Grace: Holiness Rev Greg Bylsma Play
Speech that gives Grace: The Call of the 9th commandment Rev Greg Bylsma Play
2019-11-03 Ephesians 5:21-24 – Living as a Wife in Modern Times Play
Belgic Confession 29 – Part 1 – What does the True Church Look Like? Play
2019-10-27 Ephesians 5:18-20 – Live Soberly Play
Belgic Confession 28 – Church Membership is not an Option Play
2019-10-20 A Public Life Rev. Greg Martin Play
Falling Flowers Rev. Greg Martin Play
2019-10-14 Philippians 4:11-13 – Learning Contentment Play
2019-10-13 Jonah 1:17-2:10 Salvation belongs to God Brother Ben Verdonk Play
Belgic Confession 27 – Your Relationship with the Church Play
2019-10-06 Ephesians 5:15-17 – Live Carefully Play
Belgic Confession 26 – Sole, Suffering, Successful Mediator Play
2019-09-29 Ephesians 5:6-14 – Live in Light Play
Belgic Confession 25-What about those OT ceremonies and sacrifices? Play
2019-09-22 Ephesians 5:1-5 – A Life of Love Play
Belgic Confession 24 – Part 2 I Show I am Sanctified by Doing Good Works Play
2019-09-15 Galatians 6:1-10 – Walking the the Spirit Rev Al Bezuyen Play
Jonah 1:5-16 – God pursues prophet and pagan Brother Ben Verdonk Play
2019-09-08 Mark 16:19-20 – Jesus Goes up, Disciples Go out Play
Belgic Confession 24 – Part 1 – I Believe I am Sanctified Play
2019-09-01 Psalm 5 – Prayer for the converted Rev Al Bezuyen Play
Jonah 1:1-4 – God’s determination to save Brother Ben Verdonk Play
2019-08-25 Genesis 8:20-9:17- The Promise of Preservation Brother Enoch Chow Play
Genesis 9:18-28 – The Fall of Noah and his prophecy Brother Enoch Chow Play
2019-08-18 Luke 18.1-8 – Encouragement to Persevere in Prayer Rev Brain Zegers Play
Mat 5.14-16 – Let Your Little Light Shine Rev Brian Zegers Play
2019-08-11 Isaiah 25:6-9 – God salvation banquet Brother Ben Verdonk Play
BC Article 23- I believe I am Justified Play
2019-08-04 Mark 16:15-18 – Your Mission is Possible Play
The Restoration of Creation Brother Enoch Chow Play
2019-07-28 Judgment and Salvation through the flood Brother Enoch Chow Play
Belgic Confession 22- How To Get The Benefits of Christ’s Sacrifice Play
2019-07-21 Mark 16:9-14 – Jesus Proves his Resurrection for you! Play
Belgic Confession 21 – Christ’s Planned, Vicarious, Exclusive Sacrifice Play
2019-07-14 Psalm 122 – I Want to Worship the Lord with his People Play
Belgic Confession 20 – How are you saved? Play
2019-07-07 Mark 16:1-8 – Jesus was Raised from the Dead for you! Play
Belgic Confession Article 19- The Two United Natures of Christ Play
2019-06-30 Genesis 6:1 – 8 Noah Finds Favor in the Eyes of the Lord Brother Enoch Chow Play
Genesis 6:9-12 Build the ark Brother Enoch Chow Play
2019-06-23 Mark 15:42-47 – Jesus Endured being Buried for you Play
Belgic Confession Chapter 18 – Why did Jesus have to be a Baby? Play
2019-06-16 Mark 15:33-41 – Christ Endured Being Forsaken and dying for you Play
Belgic Confession 17 – Finding the Hiding Bride Play
2019-06-09 Mark 15:22-32 – Jesus Endured a Painful and Shameful Crucifixion! Play
Belgic Confession 16-You weren’t chosen for your beauty Play
2019-06-02 Mark 15:15-21 -Jesus endured torture for you Play
Belgic Confession Article 15-Sins you get and sins you do Play
2019-05-26 Revelation 2:12-17 “Watch the Back Door!”: How a Faithful Church allowed Error to Sneak In Rev Harry Zekveld Play
Revelation 2:18-29 When the Church puts Love over Truth Rev Harry Zekveld Play
2019-05-19 Mark 15:1-14 – Christ Endured a Civil Trial for You Play
Belgic Confession 14- Part The Fall and Free Will Play
2019-05-12 Mark 14:66-72 – Jesus endured 3 Denials for you Play
Belgic Confession 14- Part 1 – The Fall and the Future Play
2019-05-05 Mark 14:53-65 – Jesus Endured A Trial For You Play
Belgic Confession 13 – Eat, Work, and Sleep with Confidence Play
2019-04-28 I Thessalonians 1 – THE GOSPEL AT WORK Rev Richard Bout Play
I Thessalonians 3: 1-5 the LOVE of a PASTOR Rev Richard Bout Play
2019-04-21 1Corinthians 15:12-19 – Christ’s Resurrection: A Big Deal? Play
Belgic Confession of Faith 12b- Angels Play
2019-04-14 Mark 14:43-52 – Betrayal, Arrest, Deserting of Jesus Play
Belgic Confession of Faith 12a- Created and Preserved to Serve Play
2019-04-07 A Magical Bible? Rev. Greg Martin Play
Find the Bible’s Secret Rev. Greg Martin Play
2019-03-31 Mark 14:32-42 – A Garden of Sadness Play
Belgic Confession 11; Ephesians – Be Filled with the Holy Spirit Play
2019-03-24 Mark 14:27-31 – It is easy to Abandon the Lord Play
Belgic Confession 11 – Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do? Play
2019-03-17 Revelation 20:11-15 – The Great White Throne Judgment Play
Belgic Confession 10 – God the Son: His Deity and Eternity Play
2019-03-10 Revelation 20:9-10 – Satan’s Final Defeat Play
Belgic Confession 8-9 – Three Essentials About The Trinity Play
2019-03-03 Revelation 20:5-8 -Preparing for the 2nd Resurrection Play
Belgic Confession 7- You don’t need New Tongues or Prophecies Play
2019-02-24 Be a Blessing: Love your Brother – 1 John 19:21 Rev Al Bezuyen Play
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 41 Rev Al Bezuyen Play
2019-02-17 Mourning and Rejoicing – Matthew 5:4 Rev Gerrit Bruintjes Play
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 40 Rev Al Bezuyen Play
2019-02-10 Psalm 128:1-6 – Guaranteed way for God to bless your children! Play
Belgic Confession 6 – Difference Between the Canonical and Apocryphal Books Play
2019-02-03 Revelation 20:4 – The Millennial Reign of Jesus Play
Belgic Confession 5 -The Bible: A Most Precious Gift Play
2019-01-27 Revelation 20:1-3 – Jesus has bound Satan Play
Belgic Confession 4 – The Bible Has Sixty-Six Perfect Books Play
2019-01-20 Zephaniah 3:18-20 – Gifts to be desired! Play
Belgic Confession 3 – God’s Special Revelation Play
2019-01-13 Salvation Solely by the Grace of God Mr. Enoch Chow Play
Living our Lives for the Glory of God through Christ Mr. Enoch Chow Play
2019-01-06 Zephaniah 3:14-17 – Joy when the Church is Clean and Growing Play
Belgic Confession 2-I Know God because he reveals himself to me Play
2019-01-01 Joshua 1:10-18-Leaders and the Dominion Mandate of 2019